From wishlist to reality: 5 things that are worth saving up for (+ Essential Items)

Discover the ultimate guide to meaningful savings! Explore 5 extraordinary things worth saving up for, from transformative experiences to valuable investments.

From wishlist to reality: 5 things that are worth saving up for (+ Essential Items)
From wishlist to reality: 5 things that are worth saving up for (+ Essential Items)
Accrue Savings
Accrue Savings
June 1, 2023
June 7, 2023
Budget Tips

People often wish for things like a vacation, a new car, or a dream house, but saving up for them can seem impossible. Add to that rising inflation, increased costs of living, and stagnant wages, and it’s a wonder anyone manages to save up for those things they want. 

Still, there are certain items we all need to save for — retirement, for example, or money we’re putting away for unforeseen emergencies. Being budget conscious and adopting a sound savings strategy can help us achieve financial resiliency, whatever our needs, goals, or dreams. 

Here are some items worth saving for.

1.Vacation Funds

Vacations are the perfect way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, relax and recharge. A trip to an exotic destination, a weekend getaway to the beach, or a family vacation can all bring joy and lasting memories. 

But holidays aren’t cheap — from plane tickets and car rentals to hotels and meals, many costs can add up quickly. Poor planning might leave you with a hefty bill to pay off for months. 

Start saving up for your next vacation early on — even if it’s just $20-30 a month. That way, when the time comes, you can take that dream trip without breaking the bank. It helps to have a separate savings account for vacations, so you can track your progress and know exactly how much you need to save. 

Accrue Savings is a revolutionary app that helps you save for your travel goals by allowing you to create a goal, set affordable monthly payments, and earn cash rewards from your favorite brands. 

Accrue has partnered with Heli, an adventure travel booking platform that will give you 5% off your bookings, and CheapOair, a service that helps you find great travel deals.

Ways to save money for vacations

Follow these tips to help save for your holiday:

  • Budget early to avoid blowing your budget
  • Use cash-back or rewards programs to save money on bookings and purchases
  • Cancel recurring services like streaming services or subscriptions you don’t use
  • Start a side hustle to earn extra money
  • Avoid impulse buying
  • Cook meals at home and pack lunch for work or school
  • Look for deals and discounts on destinations, accommodations, restaurants, and attractions
  • Travel in the off-season or during shoulder seasons for cheaper rates

2. Timepieces or jewelry

Watches and jewelry are timeless pieces that can make a statement, add sophistication to an outfit, or even become heirlooms. They can also be investments, with some watches and jewelry pieces appreciating over time.

But with great quality comes an even greater price tag. If you plan on buying a high-end watch or piece of jewelry, it’s best to save up for it and buy when you can. 

Research different brands and styles to find one that fits your budget. Compare online and brick-and-mortar stores to find the best deals. 

Sign up for Accrue Savings and earn $200 in cash rewards when you shop at Bezel.

Ways to save money for timepieces or jewelry

These tips will help you save for your timepieces or jewelry:

  • Track your spending
  • Open a separate savings account and set up automatic payments
  • Utilize cash-back credit cards
  • Sell unwanted items on eBay or Craigslist
  • Review your gym membership, car insurance, or cable TV packages to see if you can save money
  • Plan for grocery shopping to avoid impulse buying
  • Bundle cable, internet, and phone packages

3. A new smile

A beautiful, healthy smile is worth saving up for. 

A bright, pearly white smile can boost confidence and improve overall well-being. But getting a Hollywood smile isn’t cheap. Orthodontic treatments such as dental implants, braces, veneers, and aligners cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars. 

There are financing options available to help spread out the cost, but it’s wiser and better to save up for it in advance.

Byte, an at-home clear aligners brand, has partnered with Accrue Savings to make it easier and more affordable for people to get a perfect smile. 

Start saving with Byte and pay up to $250 on your aligners.

Ways to save money for a new smile

Use these tips to help save for your new smile:

  • Set up a savings plan
  • Adopt the 50/30/20 budgeting rule
  • Cut down on take-outs and instead cook your meals at home
  • Review your car insurance and switch to a cheaper option
  • Pay off debt or refinance loans with a lower interest rate
  • Cancel unnecessary subscriptions or streaming services
  • Reduce energy bills by switching to LED light bulbs and energy-efficient appliances
  • Put away any extra money you get from tax refunds, bonuses, or raises.
  • Take advantage of flexible spending accounts (FSA) or health saving accounts (HSA)

4. The couch or furniture you’ve always wanted

Nothing beats coming home to a comfortable space with furniture you love. Whether it’s a cozy, plush couch, a minimalist dining set, or an extravagant bedroom suite — good-quality furniture will provide years of comfort, convenience, and joy. 

Furniture buying, however, requires careful planning and budgeting.

Start with accurately measuring your space so you know what size furniture to look for and how much room is available. Compare different stores, both online and in-person, to find the best deal. 

Set up a savings account with Accrue Savings and shop at American Signature to earn 5% in cash rewards toward your purchase. Browse their extensive selection of furniture pieces to find the one that’s right for you.

Ways to save money for a new couch or furniture

  • Use these money-saving tips to reach your goal faster:
  • Cut down on your spending to lower your monthly bills
  • Open a high yields saving account and automate transfers
  • Pay with cash to avoid accumulating credit card debt
  • Start a side hustle like grocery delivery, freelancing, or tutoring to improve your financial situation
  • Sell items you no longer use online
  • Cancel subscriptions you don’t use
  • Negotiate a pay rise with your employer or find a higher-paying job

5. A new piano

The beautiful mellow tones of a grand piano can add a touch of elegance to any room and bring hours of joy. 

Studies show that playing an instrument like the piano can reduce stress and anxiety, improve cognitive performance, and boost creativity. Playing the piano is also a great way to bond with family, entertain guests, or just kick back and relax.

Unfortunately, the high price tag of a grand piano can be quite intimidating. It helps to plan ahead and budget accordingly to avoid going into debt. 

Bruce Piano, a one-stop shop for quality pianos, has partnered with Accrue Savings, helping customers pay up to 15% less. Create an account today, set your savings goal, and earn cash rewards when shopping at Bruce Piano.

Ways to save money for a new piano

Use these creative tips to help you save for your new piano:

  • Set a realistic savings plan and timeline
  • Delay your purchases using the 30-day rule
  • Cut down on grocery store spending by buying in bulk
  • Take up a side hustle to boost your savings plan
  • Choose debit cards over credit cards and opt for cash payments when possible
  • Take advantage of cash-back credit cards and rewards programs
  • Learn DIY methods to save on professional repairs and maintenance
  • Set up cash gifts on special occasions like birthdays and holidays instead of buying items you don’t need.

Essential items you should be saving up for

Besides saving for material and luxury items, there are other essential items you should be saving for — such as an emergency fund, retirement funds, and college tuition. A healthy financial future depends on having a solid savings plan for life milestones and bigger purchases.

  • Retirement: You may need more than social security benefits to sustain you in your golden years. Setting up a retirement account early cushions you against inflation and market changes and allows you to make smarter investments to help grow your nest egg. 

You also earn tax benefits, compound interest, and have more flexibility in retirement. Consider opening an IRA or 401(k) and putting away 10-15% of your annual pre-tax income toward retirement savings. You can also invest in stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs for long-term growth.

  • Emergency fund: No one is immune to life’s unexpected events — from medical emergencies and car repairs to job loss. An emergency fund will help you stay financially afloat during difficult times without turning to high-interest debt options like payday loans or credit cards. 

Financial experts recommend saving up at least 3-6 months of living expenses in a liquid, high-yield savings account, so you can access it quickly when needed. Set aside a fixed monthly amount and increase it as your income grows.

  • Down payment for a house: Home ownership is a big commitment and requires careful planning. A larger down payment will reduce your mortgage payments, lower interest rates, and give you more leverage when negotiating terms with lenders. 

Start saving up for the down payment early on, track your progress every quarter, and set realistic milestones to help you stay motivated. You can open a separate bank account for this goal and set up automatic payments from your checking account to ensure you meet your savings goals.

  • Index funds or ETFs: Investing in index funds or ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) can diversify your portfolio and help you earn passive income. Index funds replicate the performance of a stock market index, such as the S&P 500. 

ETFs are baskets of individual stocks that track an index or sector. Both are long-term savings plans that offer low-cost options for investors to gain exposure to multiple stocks with one purchase. The key is to invest regularly over a longer period to maximize your return on investment.

  • Life milestone expenses: Life milestones like getting married, having a baby, or starting a business are hefty expenses that require careful budgeting and financial planning. It helps to start saving early so you aren’t caught off guard when these milestones roll around. 

Set up a budget, track your spending, and adjust your lifestyle to accommodate these expenses. Open a separate bank account for each milestone and automate payments.

A 529 College Savings Plan and Coverdell Education Savings Account are tax-advantaged investment accounts specifically designed for college tuition. You can also apply for scholarships, grants, fellowships, and internships for students with financial need.

Start saving with Accrue Saving today

It’s never too late to start saving, even if you have a tight budget or no savings. Good financial planning requires discipline, consistency, and a commitment to stay on track. Set realistic budgeting goals, track your spending, and start saving for what matters. 

Accrue Savings makes it easier for you to save and reach your financial goals — by helping you set a savings goal, make deposits as low as $1, and earn cash rewards every time you reach your goals. Sign up today to take control of your financial future and earn cash rewards when you shop with our partners.

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From wishlist to reality: 5 things that are worth saving up for (+ Essential Items)

July 22, 2024

People often wish for things like a vacation, a new car, or a dream house, but saving up for them can seem impossible. Add to that rising inflation, increased costs of living, and stagnant wages, and it’s a wonder anyone manages to save up for those things they want. 

Still, there are certain items we all need to save for — retirement, for example, or money we’re putting away for unforeseen emergencies. Being budget conscious and adopting a sound savings strategy can help us achieve financial resiliency, whatever our needs, goals, or dreams. 

Here are some items worth saving for.

1.Vacation Funds

Vacations are the perfect way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, relax and recharge. A trip to an exotic destination, a weekend getaway to the beach, or a family vacation can all bring joy and lasting memories. 

But holidays aren’t cheap — from plane tickets and car rentals to hotels and meals, many costs can add up quickly. Poor planning might leave you with a hefty bill to pay off for months. 

Start saving up for your next vacation early on — even if it’s just $20-30 a month. That way, when the time comes, you can take that dream trip without breaking the bank. It helps to have a separate savings account for vacations, so you can track your progress and know exactly how much you need to save. 

Accrue Savings is a revolutionary app that helps you save for your travel goals by allowing you to create a goal, set affordable monthly payments, and earn cash rewards from your favorite brands. 

Accrue has partnered with Heli, an adventure travel booking platform that will give you 5% off your bookings, and CheapOair, a service that helps you find great travel deals.

Ways to save money for vacations

Follow these tips to help save for your holiday:

  • Budget early to avoid blowing your budget
  • Use cash-back or rewards programs to save money on bookings and purchases
  • Cancel recurring services like streaming services or subscriptions you don’t use
  • Start a side hustle to earn extra money
  • Avoid impulse buying
  • Cook meals at home and pack lunch for work or school
  • Look for deals and discounts on destinations, accommodations, restaurants, and attractions
  • Travel in the off-season or during shoulder seasons for cheaper rates

2. Timepieces or jewelry

Watches and jewelry are timeless pieces that can make a statement, add sophistication to an outfit, or even become heirlooms. They can also be investments, with some watches and jewelry pieces appreciating over time.

But with great quality comes an even greater price tag. If you plan on buying a high-end watch or piece of jewelry, it’s best to save up for it and buy when you can. 

Research different brands and styles to find one that fits your budget. Compare online and brick-and-mortar stores to find the best deals. 

Sign up for Accrue Savings and earn $200 in cash rewards when you shop at Bezel.

Ways to save money for timepieces or jewelry

These tips will help you save for your timepieces or jewelry:

  • Track your spending
  • Open a separate savings account and set up automatic payments
  • Utilize cash-back credit cards
  • Sell unwanted items on eBay or Craigslist
  • Review your gym membership, car insurance, or cable TV packages to see if you can save money
  • Plan for grocery shopping to avoid impulse buying
  • Bundle cable, internet, and phone packages

3. A new smile

A beautiful, healthy smile is worth saving up for. 

A bright, pearly white smile can boost confidence and improve overall well-being. But getting a Hollywood smile isn’t cheap. Orthodontic treatments such as dental implants, braces, veneers, and aligners cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars. 

There are financing options available to help spread out the cost, but it’s wiser and better to save up for it in advance.

Byte, an at-home clear aligners brand, has partnered with Accrue Savings to make it easier and more affordable for people to get a perfect smile. 

Start saving with Byte and pay up to $250 on your aligners.

Ways to save money for a new smile

Use these tips to help save for your new smile:

  • Set up a savings plan
  • Adopt the 50/30/20 budgeting rule
  • Cut down on take-outs and instead cook your meals at home
  • Review your car insurance and switch to a cheaper option
  • Pay off debt or refinance loans with a lower interest rate
  • Cancel unnecessary subscriptions or streaming services
  • Reduce energy bills by switching to LED light bulbs and energy-efficient appliances
  • Put away any extra money you get from tax refunds, bonuses, or raises.
  • Take advantage of flexible spending accounts (FSA) or health saving accounts (HSA)

4. The couch or furniture you’ve always wanted

Nothing beats coming home to a comfortable space with furniture you love. Whether it’s a cozy, plush couch, a minimalist dining set, or an extravagant bedroom suite — good-quality furniture will provide years of comfort, convenience, and joy. 

Furniture buying, however, requires careful planning and budgeting.

Start with accurately measuring your space so you know what size furniture to look for and how much room is available. Compare different stores, both online and in-person, to find the best deal. 

Set up a savings account with Accrue Savings and shop at American Signature to earn 5% in cash rewards toward your purchase. Browse their extensive selection of furniture pieces to find the one that’s right for you.

Ways to save money for a new couch or furniture

  • Use these money-saving tips to reach your goal faster:
  • Cut down on your spending to lower your monthly bills
  • Open a high yields saving account and automate transfers
  • Pay with cash to avoid accumulating credit card debt
  • Start a side hustle like grocery delivery, freelancing, or tutoring to improve your financial situation
  • Sell items you no longer use online
  • Cancel subscriptions you don’t use
  • Negotiate a pay rise with your employer or find a higher-paying job

5. A new piano

The beautiful mellow tones of a grand piano can add a touch of elegance to any room and bring hours of joy. 

Studies show that playing an instrument like the piano can reduce stress and anxiety, improve cognitive performance, and boost creativity. Playing the piano is also a great way to bond with family, entertain guests, or just kick back and relax.

Unfortunately, the high price tag of a grand piano can be quite intimidating. It helps to plan ahead and budget accordingly to avoid going into debt. 

Bruce Piano, a one-stop shop for quality pianos, has partnered with Accrue Savings, helping customers pay up to 15% less. Create an account today, set your savings goal, and earn cash rewards when shopping at Bruce Piano.

Ways to save money for a new piano

Use these creative tips to help you save for your new piano:

  • Set a realistic savings plan and timeline
  • Delay your purchases using the 30-day rule
  • Cut down on grocery store spending by buying in bulk
  • Take up a side hustle to boost your savings plan
  • Choose debit cards over credit cards and opt for cash payments when possible
  • Take advantage of cash-back credit cards and rewards programs
  • Learn DIY methods to save on professional repairs and maintenance
  • Set up cash gifts on special occasions like birthdays and holidays instead of buying items you don’t need.

Essential items you should be saving up for

Besides saving for material and luxury items, there are other essential items you should be saving for — such as an emergency fund, retirement funds, and college tuition. A healthy financial future depends on having a solid savings plan for life milestones and bigger purchases.

  • Retirement: You may need more than social security benefits to sustain you in your golden years. Setting up a retirement account early cushions you against inflation and market changes and allows you to make smarter investments to help grow your nest egg. 

You also earn tax benefits, compound interest, and have more flexibility in retirement. Consider opening an IRA or 401(k) and putting away 10-15% of your annual pre-tax income toward retirement savings. You can also invest in stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs for long-term growth.

  • Emergency fund: No one is immune to life’s unexpected events — from medical emergencies and car repairs to job loss. An emergency fund will help you stay financially afloat during difficult times without turning to high-interest debt options like payday loans or credit cards. 

Financial experts recommend saving up at least 3-6 months of living expenses in a liquid, high-yield savings account, so you can access it quickly when needed. Set aside a fixed monthly amount and increase it as your income grows.

  • Down payment for a house: Home ownership is a big commitment and requires careful planning. A larger down payment will reduce your mortgage payments, lower interest rates, and give you more leverage when negotiating terms with lenders. 

Start saving up for the down payment early on, track your progress every quarter, and set realistic milestones to help you stay motivated. You can open a separate bank account for this goal and set up automatic payments from your checking account to ensure you meet your savings goals.

  • Index funds or ETFs: Investing in index funds or ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) can diversify your portfolio and help you earn passive income. Index funds replicate the performance of a stock market index, such as the S&P 500. 

ETFs are baskets of individual stocks that track an index or sector. Both are long-term savings plans that offer low-cost options for investors to gain exposure to multiple stocks with one purchase. The key is to invest regularly over a longer period to maximize your return on investment.

  • Life milestone expenses: Life milestones like getting married, having a baby, or starting a business are hefty expenses that require careful budgeting and financial planning. It helps to start saving early so you aren’t caught off guard when these milestones roll around. 

Set up a budget, track your spending, and adjust your lifestyle to accommodate these expenses. Open a separate bank account for each milestone and automate payments.

A 529 College Savings Plan and Coverdell Education Savings Account are tax-advantaged investment accounts specifically designed for college tuition. You can also apply for scholarships, grants, fellowships, and internships for students with financial need.

Start saving with Accrue Saving today

It’s never too late to start saving, even if you have a tight budget or no savings. Good financial planning requires discipline, consistency, and a commitment to stay on track. Set realistic budgeting goals, track your spending, and start saving for what matters. 

Accrue Savings makes it easier for you to save and reach your financial goals — by helping you set a savings goal, make deposits as low as $1, and earn cash rewards every time you reach your goals. Sign up today to take control of your financial future and earn cash rewards when you shop with our partners.